
What is WCMX

What is WCMX? WCMX sands for wheelchair motocross (BMX - bicycle motocross. WCMX - wheelchair motocross). It is the fastest growing adaptive sport in the nation. You basically ride a wheelchair in a skatepark (or on the street) performing tricks and treating the world as if it was your playground.

Are there wheelchairs specifically build for this sport? Yes, several companies are making WCMX chairs and news companies are springing up every year. Do you need a WCMX chair to participate? Yes and no. Most people start by using their everyday wheelchair, but as they progress they will reach a point where a WCMX chair is necessary to take things to a more aggressive level.

There are several things that differentiate a everyday wheelchair from a WCMX chair. Suspension, strong reinforced frame, heavy duty casters (suspension or rigid, small hard caster wheels and heavy duty wheels. Rider safety is very important. A full face helmet and elbow pads are a necessity. There is a very good chance of hitting your head/face when you take a fall. a good full face helmet takes a huge percentage of the impact away and make things less intimidating. Elbow pads are also a must. When you fall you most likely will need to dig your elbows into the ground to get back upright.

In my opinion, WCMX is the best way to develop wheelchair skills and make the world more accessible. I always encourage people (especially kids) to give WCMX a try. I really don't know how my life would be without it.
