
How do I look?

I never did like mirrors, especially full length mirrors. I've never been fond of pictures of me either. Something seemed a bit odd when I looked at them. The image staring just doesn't seem right. Then one day it hit me, mirrors (and pictures) lie!

The image that I usually see has very little in common with the image in my mind. Sure the face is the same, but something about the body is a bit off. My image is of a strong, confident and somewhat attractive man. This is the image I have had of myself my entire life. It's the person my friends see as well. The mirror shows something else. It shows thin legs, a slight misshaped body, and the curse of the para gut. In the past these conflicting images disturbed me and made me feel depressed. Not for long, but long enough.

Then it dawned on me, the mirrors (and pictures) didn't show me. Mirrors don't show what makes me me, whatever that is. Something in me other people see and then they become my friend. They gave me a chance to work with them. They gave me a chance to love them. They showed me to look deeper than the person the mirror sees. They showed me who I am. They helped me find the self image that has allowed me to live an adventurous, happy, productive and amazing life.

So, realize this, you are much more than what you see in that mirror. The important people in your life see you for who you are. Make your self image based on what they see and love not on what the lying mirror presents.